Bannerman, Alexander2023-10-062023-10-062015-10 study looks at the media coverage on outbreak of the Ebola virus in three West African states, namely Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia and exported to others as far as Europe and North America. A content analysis of the content of Ghana's Daily Graphic and United States' New York Times were performed for the study in a comparative context. The purpose of the study was to determine the depth of reportage, the context and presentation of the affected countries, key messages carried in the news stories, and stereotypes thereof. The findings suggest that the local media lacked depth and content, while the western media had depth and details but inclined towards stereotyping. Also, the outlook and content of the local media depended heavily on the source of their stories.enReporting the Dark Continent: A Framing Analysis of the New York Times and Daily Graphic Reportage on the 2014-2015 Ebola OutbreakThesis