Glover-Meni, Nathaniel2023-08-112023-08-112012-0320265131 ArticleThe study investigated the relationship between literature and journalism, with reference to Ghanaian and, for that matter, African literary ethos, aesthetes and cultural heritage. The study dilated on this relationship between literature and journalism on one hand, and politics on the other, and how the three entities could be utilised in overcoming, or at least, ameliorating the development challenges facing Africa This point is premised on the fact that an earlier use of the three entities helped the struggle against colonialism and later imperialism. Also, the study investigates how literary ournalism can be used to highlight currents of thought with reference to contemporary political, cultural and economic experience in Ghana Overall, the study supports the idea that literary journalism can be used as a veritable communication tool in overcoming some of the social, political and economic difficulties facing the African continent.enFacts, Fiction, Journalism, LiteratureBetween Facts and Fiction: The Relationship between Journalism and LiteratureArticle