Acquah, Francesca2023-11-012023-11-012021-11MAPR20003 purpose of the study was to identify the public relations practices Accra Technical University (ATU) employ in its academic endeavor, examine the rationale behind such practices and the relationship between public relations practices and image building of Accra Technical University. A qualitative research design was used in data collection and interview was the study instrument which was designed to cover the objectives of the study involving ten (10) respondents. Findings showed that ATU employs public relations practices in their academic endeavors by the public relations unit liaise between management of the university and staff and passing every form information and that the rationales behind their public relations is for effective communication among staff and stakeholders. Lastly, findings showed public relation practices had both negative and positive impacts at ATU some of which were the public relations unit has no impact internally on the university but externally had positively impacted the university by managing the school websites and other social media platforms and PR unit post external letters, advertise to the general public and university community during admission, and also a communication channel tools. Others also indicated that it had negatively impacted ATU because of the public relations unit lacking tools and equipment. It is recommended that be undertaken on a larger-scale in the various ministries will give researchers a wider scope on social media effectiveness and its challenges in communicating government policies and how these challenges can be mitigated. The study therefore recommends that staff at the public relation unit will constantly undergo trainings and adequate resource should be provided to this unit to help them be more creative and innovative and create an enabling environment and improve both internal and external communication among stakeholders of the institution.enPublic Relations Practice in Technical Universities: A Case Study of Accra Technical UniversityThesis