Collective Memory, Merging Enemies, Consistency of Word and Place Nkrumah’s Rhetorical Artefacts in the “Positive Action” Protest.

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African Yearbook of Rhetoric


The 1950 riots in the Gold Coast which prefaced the first general elections under the British Colonial Government were called forth by a plethora of rhetorical performances of Kwame Nkrumah. On the 8th of January, 1950, Kwame Nkrumah, the Leader of the CPP, declared ‘Positive Action’ in the Gold Coast. After the aftermath of the 28th February 1948 riots which shook the colony, the Watson Commission1 was set up by the Colonial Government to examine the causes of the nationwide unrest. Amongst its proposals, the Commission indicated the need for a constitutional review of the present Gold Coast constitution. In response to the latter proposal, the Coussey Commission was set up in December 1948 to review the constitution accordingly2. When it finally published its report in October 1949, it indicated an increase in African (referring to black Gold Coasters) representation in colonial governance but did not indicate a time frame for the independence of the Gold Coast.


Book Chapter


Collective Memory, Merging Eenemies, Consistency of Word, Kwame Nkrumah
