Department of Public Relations

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    Perception of Public Relations Practice Among Selected Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) In Ghana
    (Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies, 2022-07-17) Tandoh, Isaac; Duffour, Kwame Asare; Essandoh, Mavis; Opoku, Mensah Eric
    The study's goal was to find out what some of Ghana's top executives thought about public relations. The goals were to determine the Chief Executive Officers' (CEOs') understanding of public relations, as well as their perceptions of public relations' role in strategic management and the restrictions of public relations' role in corporate strategy. Through an in-depth interview with five (5) CEOs of chosen agencies within Ghana's Ministry of Transport, the study gathered data using a qualitative research technique. This data was then evaluated using theme analysis, which demonstrated that the public impression of public relations practice in Ghana is positive, implying that the technique is effective. Public relations were deemed to be an important role in strategic management, particularly if it was part of top management. It also limited its contribution to business strategy owing to a variety of problems experienced in the chosen firms, including financial limits, a lack of deep understanding of CEOs in public relations, and others. According to the conclusions of the research, Ghanaian CEOs and business leaders should identify and promote public relations practice. The Institute of Public Relations Ghana should speed up its attempts to enact a statute making public relations a regulated profession.
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    The Role of Strategy in a Competitive Business Environment: A Case Study of Ecobank Ghana Limited
    (European Journal of Business and Management, 2015) Sarpong, Loretta; Tandoh, Isaac
    The financial systems in Ghana tend to evolve around the banking system. The banking sector is experiencing increased competitions in the new deregulated market. Competition in the banking sector matters for a number of reasons. Operating in the competitive banking environment is very challenging. Formulating a consistent strategy is an intricacy for many management teams, making that strategy work is even more complex. The aim of this study is to examine the role of strategy in competitive business environment. A case study research design was adopted for easy assessment of the role of strategy in a competitive environment. Ecobank Ghana Limited, the Pan African bank was adopted for the case study area. Both primary and secondary source data was used with a sample size of 320 respondents. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from Management of Ecobank. The study therefore found that the competitive strategies of Ecobank Ghana are effective and that the strategies have contributed to high financial performance of the bank. The impact of competitive strategies on the performance of the bank are increasing sales volume; profit efficiency, increase productivity, increase in ROE, businesses and sustainable growth increased market share, enhanced customer service and increased of customer waiver of charges. The study recommends that the bank should work hard to build and sustain its competitive advantage and be prepared for the next wave of market reforms and restructuring by applying new methods of information technology and upgrading the skills of staff and management.
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    The Impact of Sales Promotions on the Performance of Auto-Mobile Industries in Ghana: A Case Study of PHC Motors (Accra-Ghana)
    (European Journal of Business and Management, 2015) Tandoh, Isaac; Sarpong, Loretta
    The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of sales promotion on organisational performance in the auto mobile industry in Ghana. The study was conducted at PHC Motors Ghana’s Retail Outlet in Accra, Ghana. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between sales promotion and organisational performance, to examine the effect of sales promotion in the automobile market, and to identify the challenges hindering sales promotions effectiveness.The study used descriptive research approach and the data was purely quantitative. In order to achieve this objective, thirty (30) respondents were selected using purposive and random sampling techniques. The Data was analysing using SPSS obtained from the field. The research revealed that the impact of sales promotion on organizational performance in PHC is intense. Also, from the management perspective most of the respondents agree that sale promotion provides extra incentives to purchase as well as stimulating resellers demand and effectiveness. The study devoted to conclude the relationship between sale promotion and the organizational performance, most sales promotion provide extra incentives to purchase as well as stimulating resellers demand and effectiveness. It revealed that effective sales promotion increase sales. The researcher therefore recommended that, management of PHC Motors should embark on more strategic sale promotion in order to increase their market share and profitability.
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    The Effect of 'Soli' on News Reportage in Ghana
    (International Journal of ICT Management, 2015-04) Sabuey Agbemenu, Katherine
    Lately, Ghanaian journalists have been criticised for making 'soli', a synonym for 'brown envelope' in Ghanaian parlance, the norm rather than the exception. This practice is gradually killing the confidence Ghanaian media consumers have in journalists. Furthermore, distrust, scepticism, and uncertainty have dominated the public sphere regarding news reportage. The study examined journalists, event organisers and public relations practitioners' perception on 'soli' and how it affects news reportage. It surveyed randomly selected journalists, and interviewed event organisers and public relations practitioners. It became evident that in Ghana 'soli' is a moral problem rather than an ethical one. The paper concluded that 'soli' when accepted, elicit favourable reportage and makes stories advertorial news rather than a fact-based news.
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    Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction In Republic Bank Of Ghana
    (Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 2019-01) Tandoh, Isaac; Aubin-Barnes, Ransford
    The upsurge of competition and recent events in the Ghanaian banking sector calls for exceptional service quality delivery not just to win customers but also to retain them to maximise profits. It is in light of this that most banks have to assess their service quality to be able to survive in the ever stiffening banking sector. This has formed the premise within which this study is being carried out with the main objective of assessing the effects of customer service quality on customer satisfaction using Republic Bank as the case study. The study had its specific objectives as; t o ascerta in the level of sat isfact i on of cust omers of Republic Bank and to ascerta in the relationship between serv ice qual ity and cust omer sat isfact i on. The study used convenient sampling to select 200 respondents who walk into the Cape Coast branch banking hall of Republic Bank to perform a transactions. The study employed the SERVQUAL model using its five dimension to assess customer satisfaction of Republic Bank. The study revealed that respondents were satisfied with the services and products offered by Republic Bank, with all respondents recommending Republic Bank to family and friends. Respondents agreed to speak publicly about the service quality and the satisfactory delivery of services to them. The study recommend that mystery shopping should be conducted periodically to maintain the high level of customer service delivery. There should also be periodic training of the frontliners and other staff of the bank to help deliver quality customer service. The product development team should also continue to be innovative and keep up with the changing trends in customer taste and the market at large.
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    Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Practice and its Effects on the Bottom Line
    (Texila International Journal of Management, 2020-02) Tandoh, Isaac
    The study comparatively evaluates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability in the Energy, Telecommunication, and Transport industries in Ghana. The study adopted a quantitative research approach through a cross-sectional survey design to sample 50 employees from VRA, MTN Ghana, and CETSED Content and regression analysis were utilized for analysis of the research objectives/hypotheses stipulated by the study. A five-point closed-ended Likert Scale self-administrable structured questionnaire and researcher guide to aid participants answer relevant questions was used to confirm that innovations in strategic stakeholder engagement fuelled increases in corporate bottom-line of selected companies. The four major steps of analyzing data collected from Atkinson’s (2002) categories of quantitative data analysis was used, following which the primary data/information gathered and coded was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to guarantee validity and reliability of the various investigations conducted. The hierarchical multiple regression of the Baron and Kenny’s (1986) procedure was also adopted to analyse for study the mediating effect of innovation on the relationship between strategic stakeholder engagement and corporate bottom-line. The study discovered a statistically significant positive influence of perceptions of CSR towards the customers on organization’s image in general. The energy and transport industry observed a greater significant influence of employee perceptions of CSR towards customers on organization’s image as compared to the telecommunication sector which was not significant.
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    Investigations into Marketing Communication Tools on Bank Marketing Strategyin Ghana
    (IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2019-03) Tandoh, Isaac; Boateng, Frank
    This study sought to examine the various marketing communication tools and strategies employed by selected financial institutions in Kumasi in marketing their products and services. The primary research tool used for this study was questionnaires and observations. Statistical tools like mean and standard deviation were used. Table and graphs were used to simplify the analysis. Questionnaires were administered to management staff and customers of the selected banks who served as respondents for the study. The study revealed that, the most effective marketing communication tool for the banks tool was personal selling. Evidently Personal selling (PS) proved to be the marketing communication tool with the strongest correlation (0.856) with the performance, followed by public relation and direct marketing ((PR)) which had a correlation coefficient value of (0.775).Nevertheless, the study established that, marketing tools such as personal selling, public relations, direct market, and advertisements were all important tools for communicating to the general public but personal selling gives the chance for the company representative to explain in words of convincing to the customer and opportunity to answer the queries of the customer. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that adequate training be given to the marketing managers and proper implementation and evaluation schemes be put in place to measure the effectiveness of communication strategies. Additionally, well trained staff and professionals were needed to champion this strategic function of management.
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    Examining the Factors and Constraints Influencing the Choice of Marketing Communication Mix Elements in Rural and Community Banks (RCB’s) in Ghana
    (Test Engineering And Management, 2020) Tandoh, Isaac; Oppong Mensah, Nicholas
    To a very large extent, no organization can survive without paying attention or considering integrated marketing communications as a major operational activity because of the dynamism and competitiveness of the banking industry and the economy at present.The study aimed to examinethe factors and constraints influencing the choice of marketing communication mix in Rural and Community Banks (RCB’s) in Ghana. A mixed-method approached was used with 561 rural banks spread over 10 regions of Ghana chosen as the study area. Questionnaires were a major tool for data collection. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources utilizing a structured questionnaire based on the objectives of the study. Findings from the study revealed thatmajor constraints like thehigh cost of implementation, the size of the bank, limited management capacity among others were facing the implementation of marketing communication mix strategies by the RCBs, On the determinants, the results showed that age of RCB, total deposits and a net worth significantly influence a bank to use Advertising and Personal selling as a marketing communication mix strategy with a positive coefficient of 0.1122, 0.0109 and 0.0728 at 1% and 5% levels. It was inferred that RCBsthat has been in existence for a longer period was 0.1122 likely to choose Advertising and Personal selling as a communication mix strategy at 1% compared to all the six tools. Also, a one Ghana Cedi increase in the total deposit mobilized by RCB will increase the probability that it will choose Advertising and Personal selling as a communication mix strategy by an estimated coefficient of 0.0109 at 1% compared to all the six tools.
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    Dynamics of Savings Culture in Ghana
    (South American Journal of Management, 2015) Tandoh, Isaac; Tandoh, Victor
    In Ghana and most developing parts of the world, families feel that it’s troublesome or skirting on hard to save as a result of low levels of wages (Boateng, 1994). The low profit of Ghanaian families is a result of the low levels of budgetary improvement consolidated with distinctive components, for instance, unlucky deficiency of training. The purpose of the study was to find out the determinants of savings culture in Kumasi, the second capital of Ghana. Quantitative methodology was used and sample was obtained from selected households in Kumasi. The study assembled and made utilization of primary data through the organization of organized surveys. Questionnaires were used as a data collection tool and SPSS a statically tool was used to analyze the data. It was discovered in the study that, relatively high level of savings culture among the people of Kumasi metropolis. Respondents preferred to save more for the future, they planned life ahead of time, saving money was a virtue, respondents paid close attention to how much money they spend, and before they purchased anything, they compared prices on similar items. The study recommends that financial institutions improve their operational and marketing strategies to attract all persons in the qualified age bracket being it male and female and also governing bodies like the Bank of Ghana, must take drastic measures to close down all these illegal financial institutions in the system that is dragging the reputation of the rest into the mud.
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    Determinants of Bank Selection Preference among Customers in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
    (International Journal of Research, 2019-01) Tandoh, Isaac
    The study investigated factors consumers consider in choosing a bank in Ghana. Questionnaires were sent to 300 respondents who were selected from the sample area of Kumasi, the second capital of Ghana. The result revealed five most important factors consumers consider when they are selecting a bank. They include; availability of Automated teller machine(ATM machine), effective and efficient customer service, ease of obtaining loan, number of branches and the rates of interest on saving. The study further revealed that friends and/or family members are very important to customer as they serve as the first source of information when it comes to the selection of banks. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that, banks in Ghana invest in marketing research to identify the needs and wants of their customers so as to be able to provide them with products and services that will satisfy the identified needs of customers. The study recommends that, Ghanaian banks provide consumers with demand products and also pay more attention to the five most important factors mentioned which consumers consider when selecting a bank.
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    Corporate Donation as a Marketing Communication Tool
    (Journal of Management & Scientific Research, 2015-09) Tandoh, Isaac; Sarfo, Clement; Ampofo, Bernard A.
    The purpose of the study was to gain better understanding into how Donation can be used as a Marketing communication tool in the financial sector. This is due to this fact, most financial institutions in the Ghana, are using the other traditional communication tools with sales promotion and Advertising dominating. Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank is used as a case study. Questionnaires, Interviews and documentations are the instruments used to gather data for this study. From the result of the study, it was discovered that Donation is a strong communication tool apart from the traditional communication mix. Donation also provides a cost effective means of communication to all stakeholders involved both in the long and short run. This was realized from the response gathered from the Questionnaires and interview. Again, Donation has a quick influence as it communicates quickly to recipients through the kind gesture done by the Bank. Donation increases sales as it urges most beneficiaries to open accounts with the Bank. It is therefore suggested that in event of further studies, information regarding the internal operation of the Bank must be made available so as to provide balance analysis of the study. In the study, Donation was found to infuse all the other communication tools at a time, because in one Donation activity, the Bank is able to directly promote its services through Direct Marketing, personal selling, advertising, sales promotion and public relations.
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    An Examination of the Relationship Between Branding and Consumer Buying Behavior of Mosquito Repellants in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
    (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2019-02) Tandoh, Isaac; Nsiah, Emmanuel
    This study examined the influence of branding on consumer purchasing behaviour with an emphasis on mosquito repellents in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. This was necessitated by the fact that, in-spite of the superfluity of literature on branding and consumer purchasing behaviour, there are limited studies on mosquito repellents despite its growing demand. The study in addressing this gap significantly contributes to academic knowledge on branding and consumer purchasing behaviour. The study adopted a descriptive survey as the research design. Both primary and secondary sources were used in the gathering of data. The study employed a purposive sampling method for the selection of 210 respondents in the administration of the questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. Correlation matrix, Cronbach Alpha, Mean and Standard Deviation were used in the analysis of the quantitative data and the testing of hypotheses. The study revealed that majority of the respondents based their purchasing decision on brand name although some respondents acknowledged that purchasing behaviour was also influenced by brand elements such as design, slogan, shape and logo. The study, by extension, discovered that there was a strong positive relationship between brand elements and consumer purchasing behaviour. Also, most of the respondents indicated that they purchase mosquito brands because of the assurances of quality. Based on the findings, the study recommends the need not only for market practitioners to concentrate on the brand name as a way of influencing consumers’ purchase decision but also undertake measures to develop the other brand elements such as design, slogan, shape and logo. Also, due to the competitive nature of the market, top management should continue the pivotal role they are playing in making their brand stand out from those of competition.