The Role of Public Relations as a Management Tool in a Public Service Organisation: A Study of the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation - Accra


The main objective of the study was to examine whether public relations is a management tool and whether PR practitioners perform modern PR roles and functions in the public service of Ghana particularly at the MESTI towards achieving its overall organisational goals and to identify the challenges PR practitioners face in the public service in the delivery of their duties and services. The study was underpinned by the roles theory and systems theory. The mixed method to research was used in data collection, specifically structured interview guides and questionnaires were used in gathering the data for analysis. The quantitative data was analysed and interpreted using SPSS, paying particular attention to frequency and percentage while the qualitative data was recorded, transcribed and analysed in relation to whether PR is a management tool and whether PR practitioners perform modem PR roles and functions in the Public Service and in the MESTI in particular towards achieving its overall organisational goals and objectives. The study revealed that, though there are a few misgivings as to why PR should be part of the dominant coalition, the Public Service organogram positioned it to as such to coordinate all communication related activities of all government institutions including the MESTI. It was recommended that the management of the MESTI should provide the necessary financial assistance, logistics, improve on how it communicates with its publics especially the internal publics. In summary, top management was advised to give motivational incentives to enable the PR department of function more efficiently and effectively to ensure that the image and reputation of the Ministry is well managed since the internal publics are the mirror that reflects the Ministry and its ideologies.



