Roles of Civil Society Organisation in Modern Day Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation in Ghana


In many developing countries, the definition of CSR is historically alien and remains so even today in some countries. Organizations by their very nature have obligations entrusted to them by statute, shareholders and society at large, Amponsah-Tawiah and Dartey-Baah (2016) argue that under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) they would have to perform these obligations faithfully to ensure their continued presence in academic and business literature. Many times, donations are made in the name of CSR en passant without knowing what it entails. In the developing world, CSR has not been part of the corporate agenda of many businesses therefore some organizations make donations either because they see their rivals doing it or because an official wants to show off inside the organization (Amponsah-Tawiah and Dartey-Baah, 2016)



