How Communication Contributes to Effective Performance in Ghanaian Organisations: A Study of Mobile Telephony Network Ghana Limited (M.T.N)


Communication is very essential in promoting employees performance in every organization. However institutions seem to downplay the essence in of this vital ingredient in the line of production. This research therefore aimed to investigate and bring to light the positive correlation between communication and enhanced output of employees using Mobile Telephony Network Ghana Limited as a case study. The research made use of a quantitative approach. Using a purposive sampling three branches plus the head office of Mobile Telephony Network were selected. At the 3 branches 3 staff were randomly selected from each of the three levels of management. Same sampling was done for the head office except that in that case the lower level management were 6. Thus a data was gathered by administering a questionnaire to 50 staff of Mobile Telephony Network Ghana Limited at 4 different office locations in Accra. Data was analyzed quantitatively/thematically. Results of the study primarily showed that effective communication leads to enhancement in the performance of employees. Given good interaction between managers and subordinates the performance of employees increase. Also it became clear that communication not handled well could affect negatively the output of employees. Illness, emotions, the use of proverbs and generalizations and outdated equipment are some of the barriers to effective communication in organizations. Thus to enhance productity of organizations communication should be effective among co-workers and between managers and employees.



