Communication and Teenage Pregnancy: A Perspective from Guardians and Teenage Mothers

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The broad objective of this research was to examine Communication and Teenage pregnancy: Perspective from guardians and teenage mothers. The study adopted a qualitative methodology with a descriptive research design to provide a picture of a situation of the research area. The population for this study was people of the Anomabo Community. As a result, a sample size of eighty (80) respondents is seen as representative enough for the purpose of this study. The sampling method used in selecting the respondents was the stratified sampling technique. A structured interview guide was designed and administered as a means of obtaining information from respondents. The study revealed that the study found that most of the parents are close to their teenage girls. However, being close does not necessarily mean that they will communicate with their girls about sexuality issues. This study established that many parents offer Sexual Health Education to their teenage daughters. This study revealed that even though most of the parents discussed sexuality related issues with their daughters, majority of them, were not comfortable with such discussions. This study found that close to half of the parents knew their daughters’ friends. This study recommended that parents create a home environment that fosters communication, understanding and support towards their daughters to ensure the inculcation of moral values to prevent coerced sex, thus reduce teenage pregnancy. Again, it recommended that children’s department and Non-Governmental organizations dealing with children’s issues should organize parent-teen communication workshops to help parents and teens learn new skills and practice important communication techniques.




Communication, Teenage Pregnancy, Guardians, Teenage Mothers
