An Assessment of CSR on Livelihood Enhancement in Mining Communities: A Study of Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation.


The study’s main goal was to investigate CSR and how it affects mining communities’ livelihoods. In order to reach this aim, three objectives were set forth. These included assessing how CSR influences livelihood enhancement in mining communities, finding out if NADeF has improved the livelihood of the community members and ascertaining the perception of held by the community members of Newmont Ghana. In attaining this end objective, the study employed the qualitative approach through which in-depth interviews was employed as the data collection tool. Through this, data was collected from one (1) community member each sourced from each of the ten (10) mining communities within which Newmont operates. The findings showed that through NADeF, Newmont had augmented its CSR activities with the catchment area. It was as well found that NADeF’s CSR activities enhanced the livelihood of the mining communities and that it efforts improved the livelihood of the community members as well. This also led to the realization that because of the impact of NADeF’s activities, the perception the mining communities held of Newmont was in the positive light. The study recommends that businesses recognize and fulfill their social obligations. Even though it is not required, studies suggests that organizations who engage in CSR initiatives gain public support, which helps to improve their corporate image. Also, in order to maintain the long-term viability of CSR activities as well, there must be participation in the strategic use of social investment budgets as well as the implementation of an effective audit/review mechanism to improve CSR quality.



