Strategies for the Management of Reality Shows: A Case Study of Tv3’s Ghana’s Most Beautiful

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Etymologically, the word – media ‘derives its meaning from the Latin – medium,’ which means that something which is in the middle’ (Coyne et al, 2010). The authors argue that media in entrepreneurship refers to traditional mass communications systems and content genres as well as other technologies for mediated human speech. This would include traditional publishing (newspapers, periodicals, or books), traditional electronic media (broadcasting, broadband, cable, or satellite), motion pictures, video gaming, recorded music, advertising, and adaptations of the Internet for any of these media. In other words, the key distinction is old media and new media. Old media refers to the familiar organs of the mass media age, traditional (analogue and now digital) broadcasting (radio and television) supplemented more recently by satellite and cable, and print (newspapers and magazines). New media refers to the Internet and mobile communications systems of the digital age, which have not only led to digital versions of traditional mass media but also to what might be thought of as a new form of mass expansion of media (Hill et al, 2005). With the explosion of digital media has come the extension of social media platforms into the lives of many who are technologically privileged and networked to the new communication environment (Mcquail, 2008). In the digital ecology access to a wider audience is facilitated and made cheap (Clissold, 2004).


MA Journalism

