Evaluating Stakeholder Engagement in Ghana Government’s Developmental Projects at Adenta. A Case of the Adenta Footbridge Project.

dc.contributor.authorAdabra, Seyram
dc.description.abstractA project is likely to be sustainable when there is stakeholder engagement. Hence, for a project to be successful, the stakeholders need to be involved in the planning, implementation, and monitoring stages of a project. In the case of the Adenta footbridge project, though the stakeholders identified the project, they neglected the project after its completion. The government exerted a lot of force to make the residents start to use the footbridge. Questions of why the neglect and the level of stakeholder engagement during the construction come to mind. The study established that there was low stakeholder involvement in the prioritization of decisions. It also established that there was inadequate stakeholder involvement in the development of teams. It indicated that there was a nadir stakeholder involvement in the execution of task assignments. Again, it also found that stakeholders were not involved in the updating of project schedules. It was established that the stakeholders were not involved in the risk control of the project. The finding also indicated that stakeholder involvement in project planning is significant in the performance of a project. The study indicated that stakeholders were not involved in the resource allocation of the project. It also revealed that stakeholders were not involved in the planning of the delivery method of the project. The study showed that the stakeholders were not involved in the resource specification of the project. The study found out that stakeholder involvement in project monitoring and evaluation is significant in the performance of a project. It indicated that stakeholders were not provided with updates and feedback concerning the project. The study established that stakeholders were not involved in the correction of errors. In addition, the study found out that stakeholders were not involved in the provision of direction and control activities. The study used the qualitative method of research, where 20 respondents were interviewed.
dc.subjectGhana, Government’s Developmental, Adenta, Adenta Footbridge Project, Accra
dc.titleEvaluating Stakeholder Engagement in Ghana Government’s Developmental Projects at Adenta. A Case of the Adenta Footbridge Project.


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