Press Coverage of Child Labour in Ghana: A Content Analysis of the Daily Graphic Newspaper (2010-2014)

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The study assessed press coverage of Child Labour in the Daily Graphic from January 2010 to December 20 14, with focus on the following; the amount of coverage, nature of story, type of child labour, and prominence of stories in terms of placement of stories and use of photographs. Using Cont ent analysis the study utilized a sample size of 40 m1icles on child labour from a total of about 1,862 newspapers published by Daily Graphic within the time frame. The data collected and analysed indicated that minimal attention is given to child labour stories in the Daily Graphic. Only one front page article out of the 40 articles published on Child Labour was found . The rests of the stories were buried within the inside pages of the newspapers. Also the study disclosed that majority of the articles on child labour published were report-based; where journalists were invited to cover an event. The study indicated that there is the need for the Daily Graphic to give more prominence to the coverage of child labour issues by publishing more articles with the view to raising awareness and prioritizing child labour issues.



