2021 (Volume 7, Number 1)

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    Towards Effectiveness of Advertising Recall on Brand Preference in Ghanaian Telecommunication Companies
    (Journal of Communications, Media & Society, 2021-06) Gyau, Yaw Odame
    Advertising recall is one of the categories of measures of the cognitive response which have been developed. What remains a dilemma to advertisers is whether there is a correlation between recall of advertising and brand preference or not? This study sought to determine the relationship between advertising recall and brand preference among young communication students in Accra. Expectancy Value Theory and Media System Dependency Theory were used. The study adopted simple random sampling procedure to respond to two propositions: 1. That there is no relationship between advertising recall and purchase of product or service; 2. That there is no relationship between advertising recall and brand preference. Findings indicate that relationship between advertising recall and brand preference is significant. Majority of the respondents also emphasized that, in the future, their next choice of brand will be based on ‘efficiency of service'.
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    The Role of Social Institutions in Retirement Planning Information Dissemination in Urban Ghana
    (Journal of Communications, Media & Society, 2021-06) Dovie, Delali A.; Dzorgbo, Dan-Bright S.; Konadu, Kofi Ohene; Anamzoya, Alhassan Suleman
    Preparedness inadequacy for the retirement transition is one of the key reasons behind the need for planning information dissemination. The paper examines state and other corporate institutions’ role in retirement planning using qualitative data obtained from selected state and related institutions using the qualitative explorative approach. A cross-sectional exploratory design was used to investigate social institutions and how they shape retirement planning in Ghana. The study population pertained to institutions that performed retirement planning related functions such as the National Pensions Regulatory Authority, Social Security and Insurance Trust amongst others. Purposive sampling was undertaken in selecting 12 participants for the study. Targeted key informant interviews of social institutional officials were used in the process of data collection. Data was subjected to thematic analysis and managed with the NVivo software. The findings show that these institutions provide retirement planners with sensitisation regarding the new pension system and/or schemes, their modalities and benefits including retirement planning in general using mass communication conduits such as media forums, television, radio, outreach programmes, brochures including leaflets. However, a myriad of challenges were encountered by the pension service providing institutions in the process of their information dissemination exercises, namely difficulty in explaining the composite nature of the pension system to clients, the lack of cooperation from organisations consulted for permission before the sensitisation campaigns, poor retirement planner attitudes and low staff strength. In conclusion, the study’s outcome has implications for the realisation of retirement planners’ retirement goals including adequate planning knowledge. It is recommended that 'financial education’ should be incorporated into the national school curriculum. Further, the role of the National Commission on Civic Education must be expanded to entail financial education of workers and all Ghanaians at large.
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    Dialogic Communications and Online Public Relations Practice: An Analysis of Two Web-Based Platforms of Ghana’s National Communications Authority
    (Journal of Communications, Media & Society, 2021-06) Asuman, Manfred Kofi Antwi; Bampoe, Harriet Ama
    Using Kent and Taylor’s (1998) five principles of dialogic communication, this study examined the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Ghana’s use of website and Facebook to engage stakeholders. A content analysis of the website and Facebook page of the NCA was conducted for a period of six months. The study analysed indicators of the five dialogic principles which are; dialogic loop, usefulness of information, generation of returned visits, ease of interface, and conservation of visitors. The study found that the five dialogic principles were minimally manifested on both website and Facebook page of the NCA as both platforms only employed principles ease of use and useful information adequately. Comparatively, posts made on the Facebook page and the website of the NCA were similar to an extent and the principle of useful information scored the highest points on both platforms. Finally, the study revealed that the website of the NCA did not allow two-way communication between the organisation and its publics. These findings may suggest that the NCA website did not foster direct feedback. The findings support existing literature and affirms what communication scholars such as Nam (2014) have reported.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in A Telecommunications Company - A Case Study of Vodafone Ghana
    (Journal of Communications, Media & Society, 2021-06) Rockson, Kweku
    This study explored the practice of CSR in Vodafone Ghana within the CSR conceptual framework of the Instrumental theories among the wider grouping encompassing Instrumental, Political, Social Integrative and Ethical (Garriga and Mele, 2004). This research also broadly considered /ssues about the relationship between business and society and the extent to which the company's CSR footprints conform to the CSR scientific assessment criteria: environment, marketplace, employee care, community (Wholley 2004) and corporate governance. The qualitative approach using 20 in-house and external respondents through primary research and document analysis was used to gather the data. The findings showed that Vodafone’s performance can be put within the context of four theories under the Instrumental theory namely: shareholder value enhancement; getting a competitive advantage; cause related marketing and corporate philanthropy. From the perspective of the five scientific criteria this company can be associated more with the marketplace and the community through their aggressive promotional activities and corporate social investment (CSI) performance.
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    Assessment of the Determinants of Physical Health Quality of Life of the Aged with Disability in Selected Districts in Ghana
    (Journal of Communications, Media & Society, 2021-06) Nantomah, Bismark; Tanle, Augustine; Darteh, Eugene Kofuor Maafo
    There is increasing proportion of the aged population in Ghana who are affected by physical and visual disabilities. Therefore, this study assessed the determinants of physical health Quality of Life (QOL) of the aged with disability in selected Districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (IGF) model was adapted to guide the study. The study used a census survey and questionnaires to collect data from 810 respondents. Those who were aged 60-69 years had the highest physical health QOL mean score and lowest for those aged 80 years and older. Physical health QOL mean score was highest for those who were married and lowest among those who were separated / divorced. Aged with physical disability scored higher in physical health QOL as compared to those with visual disability. It was observed that age, marital status and type of disability of the aged with disability determined their physical health QOL.